While the post-divorce holidays may be different, they don’t always have to be stressful. No matter what you and your former spouse disagree on, you likely agree that you want a happy, low-stress holiday for your children.

Here are just a few tips for a drama-free holiday season:

Coordinate With the Other Parent

Communicate your holiday plans with the other parent from the beginning, ensuring you are both on the same page regarding holiday parenting time. Although communication can be difficult, coordinating holiday schedules now will help your family navigate a potentially stressful season. As you develop your plans for the season, remember that this is a special time for you and your children. By sacrificing time with your children in your home to spend time with their other parent, you are helping them create lifelong holiday memories with both parents.

In some cases, parents agree to parenting time around the holidays through a separation or custody agreement. Some parents may also choose to swap holidays, with children spending time with one parent on Christmas and the other on New Year’s. Whatever your specific situation may be, communication is the key to a successful holiday season.

Be Flexible

Having a plan in place is great, but even the best-laid plans sometimes fall apart. Kids may get sick, the weather may prevent travel, or last-minute opportunities to spend time with distant relatives may arise. Flexibility can go a long way when your holiday plans unfold differently. You could shift the dates children spend with each parent, or you may trade parenting time this holiday season for the next. Whatever the circumstances, there is bound to be a solution.

Consider Counseling and Mediation

If you and your ex are not on good terms and cannot agree on a co-parenting plan, you should consider seeking help. Parenting plans and custody orders may be modified, but before you rush to court, consider meeting with a neutral third party, such as a family mediation attorney, to discuss your needs and desired outcomes. By coming together, you can work towards a parenting plan that will work for this and future holidays.

Focus On Your Own Well-being

It’s normal to feel the anxiety and stress involved in co-parenting during holidays. Make sure to prioritize your physical and emotional well-being. Take time to exercise, read a book, schedule a massage, or spend time outdoors. Children are observant and will pick up on any stress you and their other parent are feeling around the holidays. Now is the time to decompress after a long year and enter the holidays relaxed and ready to enjoy every moment you have with your children.

Start New Family Traditions

If this is your first holiday after a divorce, it can feel as though you are grieving the loss of beloved family traditions. But divorce is not the end of your family, and you still have your children to create new memories with. Instead of lamenting the loss of family time, find new ways to celebrate the holidays and build new traditions that your children will look forward to each year.

If you and your ex-partner cannot agree on a co-parenting plan, consider seeking the help of an experienced family law attorney. At The GC Law Firm, we will take a comprehensive approach to your issue to ensure you have a smooth co-parenting experience throughout the holiday season. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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